Checked baggage
Baggage allowance
The baggage allowance can differ per flight, please check this document.
Excess baggage
If your luggage exceeds the allowance, you will have to pay an extra charge in accordance with our excess luggage grid. REMINDER: Under no circumstances may your luggage exceed 32 kg. If it does, it will probably not be checked in the hold.
Special baggage
Transportation of golf bags, bicycles, diving equipment, skis, canoe-kayak, windsurfing boards, water skis, are accepted in hold and are subject to specific rates available in our excess luggage grid. Strollers (one per infant) and wheelchairs are transported free of charge.
Luggage packaging
- Packaging made using rudimentary means (such as household stretch film) is not accepted
- Flexible plastic bags are strictly forbidden as hold baggage,
- Each item of baggage you wish to transport in the hold must have a barcode label on the outside. This label will be provided to you when you check in at the airport on the day of departure.
- Any baggage that is visibly damaged, poorly packed or does not comply with the regulations may be refused.
Carry-on baggage
You are entitled to carry a single piece of hand baggage. Its weight can differ per flight, please check this document.
All luggage exceeding these dimensions will be transported in the hold. We recommend that you keep your breakables or valuables (i.e. jewels, cameras, computers) as well as any items that you may need during your flight in your hand baggage.
A small luggage (handbag/laptopp bag) is allowed in addition to the 10kg cabin luggage. Bags must be placed under the seat in front of you.*
*Excluding MINI fare, one accessory with the following dimensions: 30x20x20 cm.
Ban – Transport phones Samsung Galaxy Note 7
In accordance with the decision of the Department of transport Americans and without waiting for a decision of the European Agency of aviation safety (EASA), ASL Airlines France has decided to ban the transport in the hold, and cabin of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 devices on all its flights in the face of potential fire risk.
Items prohibited on board
Due to the reinforced Vigipirate (French: Plan Vigipirate) France’s national security alert system, and the new European security regulations, the following objects are prohibited on board:
- Dangerous items or items which may be used to injure other persons. This includes weapons, sharp and pointed items, blunt objects, explosives and inflammable materials.
- Items labelled as “liquids” will be confiscated at security check points and later disposed of by airport authorities.
- Check out the list, not exhaustive, of prohibited items on board, cabin or hold and those that require approval of ASL Airlines France by clicking here.
- Plants, flowers and other vegetation are not permitted in the cabin or in the hold on our airlines.
If you have purchased your ticket from a tour operator through a “physical” agency or online, you are invited to contact your seller.